Friday, May 29, 2015

Member Testimonial: Patty Walsh

I was stunned to hear that Buffalo CarShare may be forced out of service due to the problems with providing insurance coverage!

I have been a member for over five years now, and Buffalo CarShare has provided a way for me to have access to a motor vehicle when I need one.

Buffalo, New York, unfortunately, does not have a safe or dependable metro transportation system. I rely on my bicycle for transportation Spring through Fall in this area. However, that is only possible with access to a vehicle when absolutely necessary with Buffalo CarShare.

Like many cities in Europe and across the United States the CarShare approach to vehicle usage is the future.

If Buffalo wants to emerge as a city with a future and a plan forward it needs to have the CarShare program as well as improve its metro transit system.

London, England is a good example of looking towards the future and providing accessible transportation while reducing the carbon footprint of its population. CarShare services provide the support for citizens to have access to vehicles when needed.

CarShare has helped me get through a transitional period in my life involving a long period of caregiving. This service needs to continue for those who need to have access to a vehicle and either cannot afford to own a vehicle or choose not to own a vehicle with their carbon footprint in mind.


Patty Walsh

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